maki maki
emboidery 刺繍作家
Japan / Osaka / 07.03
大阪芸術大学 美術学科(銅版画専攻) 卒業
Majoring in copper engraving at Osaka University of Arts,
I started my career as an embroidery artist in 2015 under the name of maki maki.
With the concept of "creating something close to people's hearts,"
I combine thread and ribbons and focuses on embroidering accessories that are soothing.
I have loved drawing and making things since I was a child,
and I even attended an art college, where art unconsciously became an essential and significant part of my life.
I like to go for walks, so I get inspiration first from the flowers and plants I see during that time.
I also like architectural decoration, so I look at books and art collection books for design reference.
I use mainly one or two strands of embroidery thread to draw delicate lines,
and combine them with soft ribbon embroidery to create a wider range of designs.